

BACH French Suites - CHOPIN Mazurkas (Trailer)

Take a look behind the scenes of recording "Bach & Chopin"

Alexandra Sostmann performs Ravel Concerto left hand with Filmorchester Babelsberg

Alexandra Sostmann performs an excerpt of Ravel`s Piano Concerto for left hand with Ekkehard Stier

Bach & Contemporary Music (Making Of)

BACH English Suite /Interview

Bach English Suite No.2 BWV 8o7-Prelude

BACH French Suites - CHOPIN Mazurkas (Teaser)

BACH Toccata C minor BWV 911


Pianist Alexandra Sostmann and the Ballet Company Nordhausen present an amazing version of the Kameliendame with music by Chopin and Liszt

Interview Argentinean Television

Interview Argentinean Television